Your purchase of this book includes bonus resources to help you grow your business.
The “Risk Free Delegation” video training (along with the accompanying training guide) will give you insight on how you can hand off important parts of your business without risking customers, profit, or growth.
The I Refuse to Be Busy e-book will give you practical tools to increase your effectiveness. It is a contrarian guide to getting more done without selling your soul.
The “Gold Rush Millionaire” video training will help you understand which opportunities to pursue and why many people remain blind to the opportunities directly in front of them.
The “Circles of Possibility” video training (with this 1-page cheat sheet) will teach you how to pursue big vision without losing touch with your people. People lose trust the moment you step outside of what they think is possible. When you step into their realm of impossibility, their perception of you goes from courageous to foolhardy, from inspiring to delusional.