“why do you wear those funky shoes?”

“why do you wear those funky shoes?”

Probably one of the most common questions I get from strangers…followed with…

– “are they comfortable?”

– “where do i get them?”

– “do you run in them?”

For the past 7 years, I’ve worn Vibram five finger shoes. My wife bought my first pair for my birthday, even though they violated every sense of fashion. I’ve worn them almost everywhere… church, work, conferences, meetings, and more.

Here’s why I love these shoes:

– they fit like a glove; not constricting, not loose and obnoxious (in fact, wearing them has allowed my feet to return to their natural, healthy shape).

– they let me feel the ground beneath me — the rocks, the grass, the dirt, the bumps in the sidewalk. It’s keeps me connected to my environment

– they’re unique; I know only a handful of folks who wear them on a consistent basis. It’s a simple way to stand out.

– they’re easy; I love the lace design. Nothing extra to mess with. Just get them on, slide the tab, and go!

– they’re fun; all my prior pairs were dark, and my latest pair is full color because.. vibrant color is an expression of joy.

– while the jury’s out regarding actual stuides, I personally think they’re good for balance, mobility, and agility

Once again, here are little clues on my work with clients… reread the list and consider what it would be like if the same could be true of your life and business…

Because that’s exactly what I do…

And it’s exactly what you get from a life by design….

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