The Double-Edged Sword of Extraordinary Talent

Over the weekend, I got a message from a salesperson. “I can’t believe they invested in me like this.”

Their company just approved funding to free this individual up to do what they do best…


(Smart boss, in my opinion.)

I love watching clients win.

Here’s why I’m particularly excited.

This individual is a genius in their own right…

But they’ve wrestled with the double-edged sword of genius.

When you’re exceptionally strong in one area, you’ve got equal and opposite gaps in other areas.

Many owners are too busy trying to:

– put square pegs in round holes

– drive forward with another goal

– make sure the numbers add up

They miss the fact that they might have powerful talent that’s untapped, right in front of them.

Many of these talented team members have:

– gone through the school system

– gone through multiple employers

– wrestled with things that look “easy” for others

They’ve been beaten down because they’re not well rounded.

They end up internalizing the belief that something is wrong with them…


Put them into an environment where their talent is valued…

Put them into an environment where they’re supported…


Watch them soar.

Yes, it has to be the right fit…

But with the right fit and the right investment…

You can have an extraordinarily productive & loyal team member.

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