Conversation Notes

Today, this comment reminded me of something that I’ve taken for granted.

Several years ago, one of my mentors firmly instructed me, “You’re going to have a lot of people coming into your life. You need a way to keep notes with everyone you meet.”

I started immediately.

I notes from conversations with 391 different people. If you and I spoke in the past 4 years, I probably have some breadcrumbs from our conversation.

Some of these notes are dozens of pages long.

For others, such as clients and close friends, I don’t bother taking many notes at all. I know and can easily remember what’s going on in their life.

It’s a simple format:

  • Big Header: Person’s Name (and company/desc if required)
  • Small Header: Latest Conversation Date
  • Bulleted List: Conversation notes
  • Small Header: Prior Conversation Date
  • etc

Why go to the trouble?

I care about what we talk about. I care about what I learn. I care about what’s going on for them.

So I take notes.

Just a practical way, in my mind, to value other people, their time, their expertise, and our relationship.

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