UNQUALIFIED Part 6: the call to ‘unqualified’ people like you & me

When I sat down to write last Monday, I hadn’t intended to share all of these stories. Looking back over them, I’m incredibly grateful for each of these experiences…

Not because of the pain…

Not because of the challenge…

But because of the outcome.

I don’t hold ill will against anyone…

Increasingly, I’ve found compassion for those involved..

And I hope that my capacity to love others well, will only increase.

Each of these experiences (and many others like it) pointed me closer to where I really needed to be.

I’ve doubted for years that I had what it takes…

>> “I’m not a leader.”

>> “I’m not a visionary.”

>> and more

Like many of you, I’ve felt grossly unqualified…

As I’ve started doing the work…

As I’ve spent more time w/ friends who see the gold in me…

Who actually BELIEVE and LOVE me for who I am…

I’m not trying to be a leader.

I’m not trying to lead leaders.

I’m trying to be ME…

And I’m welcoming others to come along on the journey.

I’ve spent years holding back, hiding, fearful of missing out on financial opportunity, afraid of giving away too much, and more.

I finally said, “Screw it. I’m done fighting for my share of the pie. It’s not helping me. ” Shae has a wonderful way of describing this shift. I’m wrapping my head around what it means to be a “DISTRIBUTION CENTER”.

I stopped holding back. I stopped worrying about people swiping my ideas online. I started showing up as…ME.

And with that, I’m rewiring all kinds of rules.

This is not just about money.

This is not just about scale.


Yes, I know how quickly change has come to some of my clients, both individuals and clients. I’m pretty determined about doing my part to make sure the people who work with me get a financial return on working with me.

But it’s not the only thing, and it means I have the freedom to turn the rules on its head:

– Some of y’all can’t afford me (true facts) but some of y’all will still end up working with me.

– Some of y’all can afford me, but you’re in your head about the payment vs the ROI, and you’ll stay put.

– And I’ve had folks in the past who wanted to write a check, and I couldn’t get past how they did business, and I refused to work with them unless they changed.

I would rather give away 1 free call and have someone sing my praises for 4 years, building what they were put on this earth to build, rather than miss out on what could have been if that person had said ‘yes’.

Don’t get me wrong…

Those free calls are pretty few and far between.

Lots of folks do very little with free advice.

But if I’ve got the nudge to do it, I’m absolutely going to do it.

It drives the traditional business folks crazy, I’m sure.

But I’ve always driven the conformists crazy.

Last week, I took a few minutes to type out a bit of my vision, and I realized…

After years of being ‘not a visionary’…

After years of being ‘not a leader’…

I have an incredible amount of vision that I’m burning to see come to fruition.

I don’t have what it takes to make it happen…

But I know it needs to happen…

I know it’s going to take people like you.

Both to help me build out the vision I have…

And to build out the vision that YOU have…

So this is a request for help…

If ANY of this resonates with you..

If you want to be on the radar in some way for what I’m looking to build…

Or if you feel like what you’re building is part of what’s taking shape here…

It doesn’t have to be clear.

It doesn’t need more action now.

But would you drop a comment below?

You might feel unqualified…

But maybe those are exactly the people we need…

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