Category: Uncategorized
how to run efficient meetings
how to run efficient meetings (tactical post) First, differentiate between meetings, ceremonies, and social gatherings. Ceremonies are cadences with a fixed, recurring agenda. One of the best meetings I ever implemented was a financial heartbeat ceremony which includes: – review of financial transactions – review of income statement and balance sheet – review of cash…
the real work that I do
the real work that I do (not software, marketing, or sales)… In everything that we do… – there’s always the work that people see – and then there’s the REAL work that’s underneath it On Thursday, I got on a call with a client of mine. We’d just wrapped up a few projects, and we…
The Double-Edged Sword of Extraordinary Talent
Over the weekend, I got a message from a salesperson. “I can’t believe they invested in me like this.” Their company just approved funding to free this individual up to do what they do best… To SELL. (Smart boss, in my opinion.) I love watching clients win. Here’s why I’m particularly excited. This individual is a…
unconventional but powerful way to solve hard problems
Ever had a head-scratching problem you absolutely couldn’t solve? I had that happen for me last week… On Thursday morning, I met with one of my clients. They told me, “We’ve got 5 problems we’d like to solve. We need solutions for them ASAP.” I had solutions for the first 4 by the end of the…
scaling is about a smaller business, not bigger
scaling is about a smaller business, not bigger (here’s why…and the scaling gooroos won’t tell you this) Scaling to exit (either by sale or by being absent) is the Holy Grail of business And many folks want scale for a bigger business But that’s backwards Your aim should be a smaller business… And here’s what…
“why do you wear those funky shoes?”
“why do you wear those funky shoes?” Probably one of the most common questions I get from strangers…followed with… – “are they comfortable?” – “where do i get them?” – “do you run in them?” For the past 7 years, I’ve worn Vibram five finger shoes. My wife bought my first pair for my birthday,…
Retaining top sales talent
I’ve heard it said… “Yeah, that’s just the sales guy. They’re always asking for stuff.” Or… “They’re always complaining.” “They’re moody.” Or are they? These are all phrases I’ve heard about salespeople. Sometimes, entire company cultures have been built around these ideas. Trouble is, outside of a sales-founded company, sales folks are sometimes taken for…
Culture & Skill Translation
Recently, one of my mentors challenged me… Have you thought specifically about taking values you express in business into your personal life? It goes without saying: You don’t run a family like a full on business. You don’t run a business like a full on family. However, we’ve got pockets of skills in the different…
Nice desk!
Erica walked into my office and handed me my DoorDash lunch. She paused, then exclaimed, “Nice desk!” “Oh, thanks!” I told her. It caught me off guard. To be honest, I couldn’t recall anyone complementing me on my desk before. She reminded me just much I’d taken my desk for granted. However, I didn’t really…
Your focus, energy, and mind space
Your focus, energy, and mind space are some of your most valuable assets. A while back, I got a reMarkable tablet on an almost-whim. I use it for two things: – a scratch pad – a zero distraction word processor Recently, after a morning walk, I had an epiphany for a marketing challenge that I’d…