I thought I was the only one who thought like that

“I thought I was the only one who thought like that.”

Tuesday evening, I got to fulfill one of my wife’s bucket list dreams: seeing the Spurs play in person. Too bad she couldn’t go along! 😬

(So far, it looks like our marriage will survive the bump, lol.)

I love hanging out with my friends.

It’s great seeing players in the zone…

I can imagine the satisfaction of draining a free throw when you’ve got a whole arena booing you…

(Confession, though: I was cheering for the Nuggets…)

What struck me?

Yes, the arena was full of energy…

But it was also strangely numb.

I’m used to being around people who are:

  • Grounded
  • Engaged
  • In the flow
  • Alive

It made me wonder…

How many of the fans are living vicariously, medicating their own insecurities and lack of fulfillment with a sports team? Needing someone else to win because they’re not winning themselves?

I’m sure it’s not universal…

But I’m also sure it’s a thing, even if subconsciously.

When I shared this in a conversation this morning, I heard:

“I thought I was the only one who thought like that.”

I might be weird here, but I’m not the only weird one, lol.

So here’s the thing…

It’s tempting to live vicariously.

It’s tempting to just survive.

But you were born to win.

Make sure you’re in the right game.

And when you beat your opponent in a tight game, 105 to 100…

I’ll be here for you, cheering my head off…


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