I’ve been in a few sales conversations over the past few months that have been misleading at best, manipulative at worst.
I got a message from someone I sorta know saying, “Hey, I want to show you how to get your content in front of a lot more people for free.” Because I kinda know the person I thought, “Sure, why not?”
On the call, the conversation moved quickly into, “How much revenue are you making?” I know how this person’s been trained in sales. I can predict where this is going.
I stop the conversation. I called them out on whether I was actually a fit for their service, first.
They agreed I wasn’t.
And they never fulfilled on the promise that got me on the call.
Someone’s looking to book podcast guests. Again, someone I’m loosely connected with, so the trust factor’s slightly higher than normal.
I get on the 15-minute call, we chat for a few minutes, and I hear:
“I’m looking for experts. You’re not an expert.” Sure thing lolol
Then the conversation shifted:
“My audience doesn’t want you as a podcast guest, but [after catching wind of something I mentioned] you would be a good fit for this program over here that I do as well. I’m well known in the __ community and I can solve this problem.”
Even if you could…
I’ve got folks in my corner that have a distinct advantage over you…
They know me at a level you’ll never be able to get to
Not interested in downgrading my support, first of all..
Second of all…
You made a promise to get me on a call.
Then, you not only spoke down to me, but you flipped the script.
I had a refreshing example, as well…
Genuine conversation with someone.
Openness about what they could offer.
Freedom to determine whether it was a good fit.
Not a go now…
Maybe not a go ever…
But for the right person, I might be open to sending a referral.
As you can see, not every conversation is like this…
But in many of these situations, I’ve been the one to bring candor, truth, and reality to the conversation.
I can tolerate a lot of things. But I don’t tolerate manipulation.
If you use manipulative language or tactics, I’ll assume there’s a culture behind you that tolerates and possibly even supports that behavior.
I understand…
Some folks have been taught this way.
And they just need permission not to sell like that.
And I’m totally cool w/ giving people the opportunity to change.
(and some do!)
I had a disagreement with one of my friends on their sales approach (you know who you are ) and I respect you for the way you handled it…
Just wanna say…
If you’ve got a product or service that you need to rely on dishonesty and manipulation to sell…
Ya might want to get another service.
And a different way to sell
PS – sucks for all the newbies in the space that are getting suckered into it. I’ve been around some ‘record numbers’ that focus on first-time, uneducated buyers who have no clue what they’re getting into.
Great for a short-term cash grab.
Bad for a great night’s sleep
Bad for a long-term play.
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