Culture & Skill Translation

Recently, one of my mentors challenged me…

Have you thought specifically about taking values you express in business into your personal life?

It goes without saying:

You don’t run a family like a full on business.

You don’t run a business like a full on family.

However, we’ve got pockets of skills in the different areas of life:

– communication

– planning

– self-disclosure

– storytelling

– analysis

– sales

– listening

– adapting

– change management

– project management

– and more

Sometimes we relegate some of these skills to a certain part of our lives, forgetting how to apply them elsewhere.

The more we can reduce them to their fundamental essence, the easier they can be applied in other contexts.

But when we become fully aligned with ourselves, we bring OUR unique culture into every arena of life. And within that culture, we can translate skills to work in that context.

Borrow from work.

Apply at home.

Borrow from home.

Apply at work.

Yes, it takes wise discernment to know what or how to apply it. It takes practice to refine it.

But translating healthy culture and skill is one of the fastest ways to increase your effectiveness as a leader…

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