scaling is about a smaller business, not bigger

scaling is about a smaller business, not bigger

(here’s why…and the scaling gooroos won’t tell you this)

Scaling to exit (either by sale or by being absent) is the Holy Grail of business

And many folks want scale for a bigger business

But that’s backwards

Your aim should be a smaller business…

And here’s what I mean

Your business always drops to your level

…your skill

…your mental state

….your emotional state

That means if you try to grow your business past who you are, you will self sabotage…

– you’ll create unhealthy culture

– you won’t follow through

– you won’t delegate and wmpower

– you’ll get distracted


If you fix your inner game

– deal with mindset

– deal with identity

– deal with emotions

– deal with skill gaps

The number of people who can most radically help with this is incredibly small, in my opinion. But if you say yes to the process…

You’ll get to a point where you’re asking yourself…

“It’s the same business.

But why does it feel so small?

The business hasn’t changed, my friend.

You have.

And you’re ready to scale.

You have a runway to scale your business without self sabotage.

And that’s when you reach for the gas and the match, and you put the fuel on the fire…


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